Geo Therm Blog

Having completed electrical biased thermographic surveys on the GMS Endurance, the GMS Endeavor and the Seafox 5 all offshore ship shaped jack-up barges designed for the offshore wind farm installation and rig maintenance needs, we can confirm the Siemens animated video (below) accurately portrays the installation of offshore wind turbines.

When actually watching the installation activities at first hand one can appreciate the skill and professionalism within the offshore wind energy sector, with our inspection visits further emphasising vessel maintenance and Class due diligence.

Reading from the European Wind Energy Association’s key trends and statistics for the 1st half of 2015: 584 commercial offshore wind turbines were connected, with a combined capacity totalling 2,342.9 MW. Overall, 15 commercial wind farms were under construction and once completed, these wind farms will have a total capacity of over 4,268.5 MW. Needles to say this quota is most impressive just like the video and vessels we survey. (TD)

EWEA-Infographic-Offshore Wind

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