Thermal Imaging

As the cost of thermal imaging technology becomes cheaper and the all important micro-bolometer (the solid-state heat responsive chip and heart of any heat sensing device) becomes ubiquitous, designers are now incorporating them into devices and creating new concepts for their everyday use.

Albeit, mass production has a less positive side to gadet development, low resolution and sensitivity as manufacturing costs have to remain inexpensive to become affordable to the masses, and rather having a sharp radiometic image – the techno-language to measure surface heat patterns without contact, the images become amorphous and less defined to the surroundings.

In the following link the BBC news article explains now thermal imaging is finally becoming main-stream, as the micro-bolometer’ becomes incorporated into an array of user friendly gadgets enabling all of us to see the unseen world of heat, something that Geo Therm Ltd using the latest high resolution thermal imaging systems have marvelled at and our clients benefited from for the last 14 years:

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