Geo Therm Ltd are delighted to offer the innovative Delta T Alert™ system. The temperature-monitoring device for attachment to and remote monitoring of temperature variation in critical electrical cabinet enclosures and data storage systems within your facility.
The Delta T Alert™ provides timely alerts – necessary to prevent system failure, automatically measuring the internal and external temperatures, with alerts generated should temperatures deviate from a pre-programmed range.
The innovative Delta T Alert™ system automatically records system updates 8 times per day for trending, and on-demand status reporting. The alerts provide you and our system technicians awareness to immediate maintenance needs, including visual, audio and email alerts sent via WiFi.
The Geo Therm Ltd – Delta T Alert™ package includes installation, configuration and testing with the option of an annual servicing agreement for reliable, care free equipment monitoring at a low cost, providing you with the peace of mind of a continuous stand-alone system, that continuous monitoring brings.(LM/TD)
To find out more on the Delta T Alert™ system and our other services including: Thermographic, Ultrasound and Vibrational surveys, call Geo Therm Ltd today on: +44(0)1502 723241.
Watch the Delta T Alert™ video here: