Geo Therm Ltd begins preparation for the next international set of inspections at JOTUN paints, the leading producer of paints, marine coatings and powder coatings in the MEIA region.
The Geo Therm Ltd survey team will work in parallel with the Jotun site’s maintenance team, performing a series of non-invasive inspections and offer training in line with its 3year MEIA regional contract obligation at the company’s headquarters in Cairo, Egypt.
The Jotun office in New Cairo, consists of 4 floors and a total gross built up area of 5,255sq m. The staff manages sales to North and central Africa and internal Egyptian marketplace. The administration building is also the first point contact to both Jotun Paint Egyptian factories in Ismailia and the 10th Ramadan City. The survey visit is penned for early June 2022.
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