Ex Inspections, Geo Therm Blog, PAT Testing, Thermal Imaging

Once again, we are delighted to disclose Jotun, one of the world’s leading paint and coatings manufacturers, will receive a visit from Geo Therm Ltd, on this occasion at its latest high-tech factory in Qatar.

The new Jotun factory is designed to produce up to 20 million litres of waterborne paints annually. The purpose-built factory and warehouse has been constructed in compliance with the highest HSEQ and environmental standards, with improved automation and employee workspace environment.

Located at the New Industrial Area west of Doha, the Geo Therm Ltd condition monitoring surveys will comprise of: Thermographic, Electrical Survey and Portable Appliance Testing, and skills training for the site technical team.

Services are intended to begin in mid May and performed in the Jotun Paints Qatar production, raw materials, warehouse and administrative offices, taking approximately one week to complete.  For additional Jotun Paint information visit: https://www.jotun.com/



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