Geo Therm Ltd were delighted to attend the product launch day held at IRISS’s training facility in Braintree, Essex. Amongst many other worldwide distributors, Geo Therm Ltd had the chance to hear from the IRISS CEO Martin Robinson, who delivered a thorough presentation on the brand new Sonus XT compact ultrasonic testing device, on its first UK showing.
Another member of the IRISS team, and who has given Geo Therm Ltd technical support on numerous occasions Paul Goodbody, level 3 Thermographer and trainer, gave an insight into the world of ultrasound and infrared thermography, leaving our team and other attending distributors full of confidence in the IRISS extensive product range and technical ability.
IPEC who specialise in HVPD also presented their new handheld TEV monitoring device, along with their user-friendly software. By all accounts it was a thoroughly enjoyable day, and informative for the Geo Therm Ltd team. We look forward to promoting the extended IRISS product to our customers at the soonest. (MT/TD)
For more information on the Sonus XT ultrasound probe, call +44(0)1502 723241
Download the tech data sheet here: Sonus XT Datasheet